Health in Germany

Here we explain how German health insurance system works. It may not be easily understood at first. There is public and private health insurance. Which is better? Which is the cheapest health insurance option for freelancers? These blogs give you a general overview and some pieces of advice. After all, choosing a health insurance is a very individual process. Read our blogs and you get pointed to the right spots where you get hands-on help and support in making your decision. In this section we also describe how going to see a German doctor works. Do you need to make an appointment first, or can you just drop in?

health insurance Germany

5 Things you need to know about health insurance if you want to work in Germany

Have you just arrived in Germany to take up work and plan to…
social benefits germany

Social benefit: These state aids exist

A social benefit is a social assistance that can be granted…
See doctor in Germany

7 Facts | How to see a Doctor in Germany

First of all: I hope you read this article out of curiosity.…
Medizinischer Notfall - Was tun?

Medical Emergency, what to do if you are in Germany!?

O let me put down my personal experiences in this blog article.…
international health insurance germany

International Private Health Insurance

International Private Medical Insurance in Germany - IPMI Are…
private health insurance in Germany

German Private health insurance – what you should know

It is compulsory for everyone living in Germany to have health…
health insurance proof

The statutory health insurance in Germany at a glance

55 minutes read. Get yourself a cup of coffee! ☕ Basic…